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Ashtabula County Board of Developmental Disabilities

Everyone is afforded certain rights under the law 
that guarantee certain personal freedoms.

Everyone is afforded certain rights under the law 
that guarantee certain personal freedoms.

For more information about rights:

For more information about rights:

To report a violation of rights:

To report a violation of rights:

Any person with a developmental disability who believes that his/her rights outlined above have been violated, or any other person, may bring the violation to the attention of the appropriate service provider or may report the violation to any of the following agencies:

Ashtabula County Board of DD

2505 South Ridge Road East
Ashtabula, Ohio 44004

Disability Rights Ohio

8 East Long Street, 5th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
1-614- 466-7264 or 1-800- 282-9181

Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities

30 E. Broad Street 13th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
1-800- 617-6733
Click here to view our Complaint or Appeal Explanation Brochure