The Ashtabula County Board of Developmental Disabilities is here to ensure the availability of services and supports what will assist eligible individuals with developmental disabilities to imagine the life they want to live, believe they can create it and achieve their dreams as participating members in their community. Select from the list below for more information about each area.
Service & Support
SSA's listen to what's important to people, sets goals for their future and connects them with supports and resources by Ashtabula DD and a network of quality private providers.
Early Intervention Services
Early Intervention provides services to families of eligible children under the age of 3 with developmental delays or disabilities.
Adult Day Programs
Adult Day Programs help a person build connections in their community and provide learning and work experiences, including volunteer work, that help to develop skills that may lead to integrated community employment in a job that matches the person's interests, strengths, priorities, and abilities.
Services can include:
How to meet and talk with new people.
What activities are in their community.
How to get places independently.
What jobs are available in their area.
How to get places independently.
What jobs are available in their area.
Transition Services
Helping Students Transition from school to work. Our SSAs work with other agencies and school districts to assist students with disabilities successfully transition from school to work. Transition teams work together to develop activities and experiences designed to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to reach their post-secondary goals.
There’s a large selection of residential service options for adults with developmental disabilities in Ashtabula County. Your Service and Support Administrator (SSA) can help you decide which is best for you. Residential options can include: In-Home Homemaker/Personal Care (HPC) services, Shared living, Remote supports, or ICF. For more information view DODD’s Residential Options Guide, ICF Search Tool, ICF Info Booklet or contact your SSA.
Employment Services
Employment services can include Career Planning, Group Employment Support and Individual Employment Support. Career Planning can assist in developing a plan to help individuals get the kind of job they want. Group Employment Support can help a person learn new job skills that will help them get a job they want in the community. Individual Employment Support can help a person learn how to do a new job or get better at their current job.